Thursday, April 14, 2011

Some of My Favorite Gurus

Hi everyone!

I'm having major computer problems right now of course so that is why no posts lately.  Sad sad sad!  but today is going to be a special, quick post about some of my favorite things about the online beauty world.  These are a list of some of my favorite websites, you tube videos, anything that I feel has helped me learn how to better my beauty tricks and shape my own routines.  I hope you enjoy!

#1 Jalapena2007's youtube channel
I absolutely love watching this lovely lady's videos.  I always feel like she is giving 110% and her vast product reviews are always honest.  I love that she does research on her products down to exactly what the ingredients should do.  She is so sweet and everytime I've commented on her videos I get a heartfelt response.  She's just great to watch for great product reviews!

#2 Glamlifeguru's youtube channel
Ever feel overwhelmed with trying to find those beauty deals and coupon lists?  Look no further than Miss Tati's videos!  Every week she goes to three main drug stores and shows you how to get those fabulous deals throughout the store.  She is also great for linking coupons and showing just how to save big bucks on your purchases.  She does all this with a great attitude.  She also has great videos with tutorials and reviews.  She is so fun to watch and has great advice!

#3 MissChievous's youtube channel
Want to know how to do amazing makeup looks on your own?  Julia is the answer!  From the dramatic to everyday looks, she has tons of videos on how to do your makeup for every occasion.  She is great at breaking down all the steps and providing good secrets on how to perfect your own make up routines.  I have used her everyday makeup looks, as well as her more dramatic looks for my dance shows.  She always comes up with interesting and original work.

#4 Panacea81's youtube channel
This channel has a special place in my heart because these were the first channel I started watching for makeup how to's.  This channel has grown tremendously since I started watching and Lauren has become a big name from her channel.  She still holds true to her style and has not gotten away from her goals.  She has many how to's,  product reviews, and helpful tips to make sure that you are able to understand just how to make yourself look fabulous!

#5 Simplelittlepleasure' youtube channel
This is my newest channel I have been following.  She is great for nail tutorials and is also great at answering comments.  She has tons of different looks that are easy and affordable.  I think she has great ideas and inspirations to create your own looks.

Honorable Mentions: Makeup reviews and how to's, nails too! tons of tips and reviews! really great hair tutorials a whole bunch of product reviews high end product reviews and dupes!

That's all for now...have a beautiful day<3
Maddy B.

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